Gospel: Mark 16:15-18
Jesus appears to the eleven disciples and reproaches them because they had not believed the people who had seen Him risen. Once again, Mark refers to the resistance of the disciples to believe in the witness. Why would this be? Probably to teach two things. That faith in Jesus goes through the faith of people who give witness and that nobody should get discouraged when incredulity comes from the heart. Even the eleven apostles had doubts!
Then Jesus gives them the mission of announcing the Good News to all creatures. The requirement which He gives is the following: to believe and to be baptized. The life of many people has improved for having entered a community and for having begun to live the Good News of the presence of God in their life.
Sometimes, we find a person whom we never have seen before, but it seems to us that we have known her for a long time. This happens because we speak the same language of love.
Through the community, Jesus continues His mission: Jesus himself, who lived in Palestine where He accepted the poor of His time, revealed the love of the Father, this same Jesus continues alive in our midst, in the same way in our communities.
Through us He continues His mission, revealing the Good News of the Love of God for the poor. Even today, the Resurrection takes place which urges us to sing, “Who will separate us, who will separate us from the love of Christ, who will separate us?”.