Gospel: Mark 16:15-18
To those who have the courage to believe in the Good News and who are baptized, Jesus Christ promises the followings signs: they will cast out devils, they will have the gift of tongues, they will pick up snakes in their hands and be unharmed should they drink deadly poison, and they will lay their hands on the sick who will recover. This happens even in our own day.
To cast out devils is to fight against the force of evil which destroys life. The life of many people has improved for having entered a community and for having begun to live the Good News of the presence of Jesus Christ in their life.
To have the gift of tongues is to begin to communicate with others in a new form. The true disciples of Jesus Christ speak the same language, the language of love.
There are many things which poison living together, e.g. ambition, jealousy, envy, gossip, which destroys the relationship between people. The one who lives in the presence of Jesus Christ goes beyond this and succeeds in not being bothered by these deadly poisons.
Wherever there is a clearer consciousness of the presence of Jesus Christ, there is also a special attention toward oppressed and marginalized people. What helps the person to heal is to feel accepted and loved.
Through the Church, Jesus continues His mission.